DETROIT – Good Monday morning, and Happy President’s Day!

It’s a partly cloudy start with cool temps in the upper teens to lower 20s, and wind chills in the single digits to teens as you head out and about on a Monday morning.

We will see some filtered sunshine today, but you should expect mostly cloudy skies most of the day ahead with dry conditions through the evening drive. High temps should hit the upper 30s by mid to late afternoon and those numbers will slowly keep rising this evening.

Some light to moderate snow or a wintry mix will begin first around 7 p.m. Monday and last only for a couple of hours. That’s because the snow or wintry mix will switch to primarily rain through the overnight hours. We may see temps closer to 40F late tonight which again keeps us focused on mainly rain after a couple of hours of snow before 9 p.m.

Tuesday forecast

Rain showers pitter-pattering overnight around Metro Detroit will begin to dry out by 6 or 7 a.m. Tuesday, as temps dip back down into the middle 30s. The roads will be wet early tomorrow, but most of the day is dry under mostly cloudy skies and highs in the low 40s. It will be breezy through the storm tonight which carries through to tomorrow with winds WSW 10-20 mph gusting 25-30 mph at times.

Rest of week

We are in for a sharp drop in temps after a cold front passes through Tuesday into early Wednesday, and we will wake up on Hump Day to upper teens and lower 20s. We should see a ton of sunshine Wednesday but highs will struggle settling in the upper 20s for most of the afternoon.

It’s cold again Thursday in the teens and 20s with a nice mix of sun and clouds, and then we warm into the weekend ahead. We should see mid 30s Friday, low 40s Saturday, and mid 40s Sunday with wall to wall weekend sunshine.

Remember, your best weather tool any day, is the new and improved Local4Casters app, free in your app store searching WDIV.

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