DETROIT – A Flood Warning is in effect for the Huron River near Hamburg, in Livingston County until 1 p.m. Monday.

Welcome to Sunday and the middle of MLK weekend Motown.

Sub freezing air continues to rush in today. Also, we are not done with snow yet. Snow squalls are possible with sunnier skies ahead for the holiday itself. Temperatures stay below freezing from now until Wednesday afternoon.

Sunday morning will be very cold and brisk. Temperatures start in the teens to around 20°F. A strong westerly wind will blow at 14 to 24 mph. Wind chills will be in the single digits to near or below 0°F.

Skies will be cloudy during the day. Remember to stay vigilant while driving to and from services and morning activities, especially on ramps, bridges and overpasses. Places that were wet yesterday afternoon will still be frozen solid in the morning.

Sunrise is at 7:58 a.m.

Sunday afternoon will have scattered snow showers and squalls. The best time for these to occur will be around lunchtime. These snow events will have brief bursts of heavy snow that can cause blinding conditions. Extreme caution is still needed while traveling.

Sunday afternoon will be cloudy with scattered snow showers. It remains below freezing with high temperatures in the middle 20s.

Sunset is at 5:31 p.m.

Sunday evening will be mostly cloudy and cold. Temperatures will be around 20°F at dinner time.

It becomes frigid again, Sunday night. Overnight lows will be in the low and middle teens. Wind chills will be near and below zero by dawn.

Welcome to MLK day, Monday! It will be brighter but remain cold. We’ll have mostly sunny skies, and temperatures remain well below freezing. The mercury will be in the teens as families go to and from morning celebrations and commemorations. Afternoon temperatures will be around 25°F. Wind chills will be in the teens all day.

Tuesday and Wednesday will have more sunshine. Daytime temperatures on Tuesday will be in the middle and upper 20s. After morning temperatures in the teens, Wednesday afternoon will have temperatures in the low 30s; closer to freezing.

Thursday and Friday will be mostly cloudy with higher temperatures. Highs will be in the upper 30s and low 40s.

Remember to download the FREE Local4Casters weather app -- it’s easily one of the best in the nation. Just search your app store under WDIV and it’s right there available for both iPhones and Androids!