HOUSTON – The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County stepped up its efforts to protect people from the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. While METRO has not been instructed to take any specific protective action, the authority said it has opted to be proactive. METRO employees are working on the following safeguards:

  • Putting an even greater emphasis on disinfecting surfaces that are frequently touched by the public on daily bus and rail routes
  • Displaying posters along the system to remind riders of hygiene recommendations to stop the spread of germs
  • Communicating safety messages on service alerts
  • Remaining in close and continuous communication with local public health and emergency management officials to monitor developments

While METRO is using an antibacterial disinfectant to clean vehicles and facilities, the authority is still asking passengers to continue to prioritize self-care including following credible sources on handwashing and good hygiene. Officials said they understand the importance of public transit in the region and want to assure passengers that it will continue to evaluate the threat of coronavirus.

Get more information on the METRO website.